All tracks composed arranged and mixed by Folz B. (Favio López Bruno)
Mastering: Maateria
Artwork by Favio López Bruno
Executive production: The Nü World Music

Folz B.
Folz B. (Favio Lopez Bruno) is a multi-instrumentalist, music composer & solo artist, born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. After living in the US for ten years and in Spain for two, he moved into the UK in 2013.
His songs transport the listener in an imaginary spaceship to very unusual places, around labyrinths that never end, and through mirrors that can either embellish or deform. His music is highly danceable. The beat is the tour guide that takes the audience through multiple styles –from Latin pop to Brazilian samba, reggaeton, experimental music, hip hop, Afro-Cuban salsa, rock and even folk music from the Middle East. Favio Lopez Bruno also leads a Cinematic/World Music Project under his name.
Folz B.
About Why? / A note by Folz B.
The artist wishes to point out that, consistently with his aesthetic decision of overlap arrangements of instruments and voices, taking them to the limit in several occasions, he also has decided to take it to the limit the final audio result of his latest music work. This choice has taken his about to be released EP to sound with a degree of premeditated savagery. The purpose of this note is to warn the audience that the final result, even after its impeccable masterisation, it has intentional exagerations, especially in certain low and low mid frequencies. The above mentioned irregularities will end up resolving themselves through the development of the songs. This music does not respect any homogeneity nor label, nor musical and nor technical. Thank you very much for listening!

Folz B.
Folz B. (Favio Lopez Bruno) is a multi-instrumentalist, music composer & solo artist, born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. After living in the US for ten years and in Spain for two, he moved into the UK in 2013.
His songs transport the listener in an imaginary spaceship to very unusual places, around labyrinths that never end, and through mirrors that can either embellish or deform. His music is highly danceable. The beat is the tour guide that takes the audience through multiple styles –from Latin pop to Brazilian samba, reggaeton, experimental music, hip hop, Afro-Cuban salsa, rock and even folk music from the Middle East. Favio Lopez Bruno also leads a Cinematic/World Music Project under his name.